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You have got on the page Forum. It deals with the problems of handicapped children. Once a month we advertise here the topic referring to them. E.g. the importance of their personal initiative, the possibility of joining the society, the life in Homes, positives and negatives of Homes, difficulty in getting job etc.
- The topic of the is shown in the independent reference.
- We would like you to send us your opinion and we will be grateful if you write your name and age (it is not on the condition of your participation in Forum).
- You can also send your commentaries to the published opinions. You can just click on the contribution and when it is open write your commentary and send away.
- Each contribution will be evaluated. We will give the number of contributions, the number of visits concerning the given topic, we will try to do justice to the preponderant opinions. The most interesting ones will be later shown in the independent reference and the brochure.
- Forum concerns everybody, not only the handicapped. We expect the handicapped children´s parents´ views, the views of the healthy children, pedagogues and the authorities who deal with the given topic.
- The topics proceed from our experience gained during the work over the book " 100 years of home care of handicapped children in Liberec- Reichenberg" that will be issued in 2004 and from our 5 year experience from the work with handicapped children and of course from the long-termed experience of those who work with them.